Sunday, February 17, 2013

Half Runner Half Ninja

Let me tell you a secret. I have told this to some friends but I don't want to keep this anymore so let me share this one out. I am a half ninja. How you may say?

You see, when I was young, I was addicted to Japanese Anime. And I've always wanted to learn any martial arts. I was also addicted to Jackie Chan films (which was Chinese but who cares, it's still martial arts! :D) so I added learning any martial art on my list of skills on my bucket list. Add the fact that I really really wanna kick ass.

I was eyeing on either Wushu or Tapondo - since I am seeing a visible dojo along EDSA Cubao. But, when I was assigned at Makati for an assignment, I saw a dojo along the street my hotel was at. It was an Aikido dojo. I told my college friend about this she was thrilled, then I called to check how it goes, the owner was kind enough to explain how it is and we can try it, if we don't like it, we can always back off.

So we both attended our first session, we didn't get to do the drills first but we were taught how to do the basics - mostly rolling. My body got sore for days after the first session. I loved it. I returned for more, but I was afraid of some drills that I only committed to once a week session. I also got the courage to go alone since my friend already left the country to work at Singapore.

Then, I got bitten by a dog and went into a slump, I did not attend for a while - about 6 mos. When I returned, there were new faces and the people I started with were already carrying blue belts. I was not getting any of the drills properly, and the sensei is already asking me to level up. So, I decided to attend more, I am currently attending twice a week.

As I watched a fellow student on his 3rd Kyu (Kyu - Level/Grade of belt) exams, I was already getting how every drill is named. At that time, I thought, I am half ready, my form and footwork sucked though. I waited for two months more, then asked to have my first exam.

I usually stress myself over something so trivial such as this. And, I don't like being in front of so many people, so, I got scared before this exam. I tried memorizing everything but it seems I can never be ready. At the day of the exam, I sucked at footwork, but still passed it since I did the drills right (haha I think).

From this point on, I thought what I wanna do with this skill. I still haven't internalized the skills and I still sucked on my footwork. But in every session I attend, I get to learn more not only the skills but more about myself. My fears - falling, to be injured, meeting new people - and the things that need to improved - my pose, I tend to slouch and I carry on with this when I do the drills.

All-in-all, this does not only teach me how to be a ninja girl but it also improves me in little ways bit-by-bit. I love it, I will always look forward to attend and I hope I get to wear the black kata someday.

Me with the Fudoshin Aikido dojo team and the Guangzhou team

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Running the Skyway again

Just earlier, the Condura Skyway Marathon event for the year 2013 commenced. I ran the 21k category and this was my first half mary for the year.

Last year, I also participated in the Condura Skyway Marathon, I ran the 10k category. After all that happened, I told myself not to run this race again. Oh well, I was wrong, I ran it again. Why I hated it before? It is because of the race's early gunstart. Up to this race, it's still the thing I hated about it. Good thing about starting early is that you get to finish before the heat from the sun creeps up. You also get to home earlier than expected.

Since I started with what I don't like in this race, may I start it with it. I dislike that it was on Alabang. I know, where else Skyway could start but on Alabang. But, on my side of the city, the venue is verry far. I haven't got any sleep before the event. I slept the whole day though, but I didn't get any night sleep. Me and my friends opted to commute rather than to sleep somewhere near the place. Because of the commute, we were able to arrive to the venue more than an hour before the gun start. We were able to do some minor stretches and used the loo a couple of times.

Of course, I liked that this was Skyway we're running into. You don't get any chance to run this highway but to join this event. Skyway is such a stunner. It has minor uphills and downhills but it's straight, you can make your PR here. It is also the common pick for first time marathoners. I think it is because of the gun start time, and also the route.

One of my motivation was the route, the other was the organizers. Since I already ran the race last year, I knew this was going to be an organized race. And honestly, I love organized races. Organized meaning enough hydration, marshalls, cool finisher's area (with freebies), and most of the racers would not be lost and scramble during and after the race. I love that before our gunstart, there were fireworks and racers were divided into waves, so that we all would not crowd in a certain area (I think weehee).

Fireworks Woohoo!
hello wave G peeps
starting line
In terms of my running experience though, I have learned something knew about myself in this race. On start of the race, I can certainly sprint all the way thru the third km (this is based on my Nike + Running GPS, see below). Then, I can do tempo runs all the way to 15kms. What's weird though is that after the 15th km, I started feeling wobbly. My back hurts (due to a yoga exercise I did the day before) and I think I was going to faint. So, I slowed down, I can beat my PR but I wanted to live so I did it. I was normally doing the 15km long run during the weekend, so I think, this happened because my body is already used to the distance, but after it, I was dead meat. I tried using GU but it felt more funny. I think I was already palpitating, I think this was the effect of taking GU along with 100 plus (which I will never ever do again). I got scared during running, I was already light headed. I was just focusing on finishing the race alive. I thought I really was going to faint. But when I got to the finish line I knew I was safe.

Nike + running view of how I ran (see below) I slowed down towards the end
It was just hard to go home after this because we transferred buses three times and it took us an hour before the bus left the Metropolis station. I slept all the way to make amends with my sleep debt. My friends also slept on the way, we no longer have the energy to talk. I love the tiredness this race gave to me, I knew I could do better. But every race is a chance to improve, so I'll get the PR next time. :)

All-in-all. I loved this race. I may repeat it again, but I will be sleeping more before the event and probably no more yoga the day before. Let me share some pictures of me during the event.

me and my friends before the race

met my officemate and ex officemate, we're on the same wave!

me and my PEx Running Club peeps!