Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Longest run for 2013

Our marathon training program calls for 3:15 hr run this week. Actually, it should be done on the week before this, but knowing me, the forever procrastinator, I planned doing it on a Sunday before the new year.

Since a friend from out of town invited me over, I postponed my previous plan then planned to run on a Monday afternoon. Since I sucked at waking up early and I don't have visors to protect my eyes from the sun, I went around UP Oval at around 4pm. 

I was able to run well for the first 2kms, then I realized that I had to pee, and then when I peed, it felt a little off. It felt like I did not have sufficient water to fuel the whole 3hr run. I tried compensating by drinking another 500ml of Gatorade, but no sir, it did not work. So, I called the whole practice off and went off. Bladder won over me.

Learning from my previous experience, I planned to make a comeback on the next day, Tuesday, Dec 31. The store owner where I leave my things will be there before 1pm. Because of this, I have to make my run in the morning. I bought visors after my defeat and then drank lots and tons of water. 

I came with my cousin, Janjan, and I think I was armed and ready for the three hr and fifteen minutes run. I was scared though, I came in at almost 8am in the morning. Meaning, I will finish around 11am, under the scorching heat. Yes, I was afraid of the heat. But since I had no available time and I wanted to end the year with a blast, I went on.

Good thing, my cousin also have a strong mental stamina. We were able to cover 15kms together at almost 2hrs. Good time, considering he's not into long distance running. 

I went alone after 15kms, and plotted to run on my chill pace (around 8km/hr) on the day of the marathon. The day was perfect for running, it was not too hot (contrary to what I thought it will be), the cold December wind was helping me to push on. I did not even sweat as much. I even ate pancit canton on one of my breaks (Heavy I know! Haha). 

The whole run felt great. I was able to cover 22.4 kms, the longest I've ran so far. This is my way of ending 2013. The whole year wasn't great for me, it offered me different kinds of hardships that were new to me. I admit, as of now, I am not thankful. But I am hoping this 2014, all the lessons will be something I will be smiling about. 

My marathon will be on Feb, and I know things will change this year. I am hopeful everything will be for the best. Cheers everyone! 

Me sporting my skimpy shirt for this run, note that the sun is already up but it wasn't that hot

My cousin, Janjan, who ran with me until the 15th! Strong kid!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Throwback Saturday

I'm sorry I'm not sorry for using the term "Throwback Saturday" for this. I know it's a Saturday and I could've used the term "Flashback Saturday" but I think the first term is cooler so yeah guys, you have to bear with the title. 

What's up with this anyway? I wanted to show you guys where I am coming from. The picture on the left, is me at 76 kgs last 2011. My heaviest would probably be last Dec 2010. See below. 

Yes. Me at 80 kgs (I think) on a friend's wedding. This is me with my effed up weight, self esteem (still is), ovaries, uterus, cholesterol and uric acid count, and many more. Good thing on this though, I was not depressed. I was perfectly content, maybe one of the reasons why I did not bother losing the weight. 

What happened? After my check up, I was advised by the doctor to lose the weight and also I fell in love. 

Falling in love really could mean a lot of things. This inspired me to be more conscious about myself. But getting out of it fueled me to run more. 

I started running with some office friends (see above) then eventually I was already running alone. I ran when I was sad and I needed to clear my head. And then, after days of running, i eventually got over it after my first 21k.

Well after getting over that feat, I thought I did not have anything to run for. Then, I got depressed. Everything in my life failed, if not failing, it is falling apart. I was no longer running and I was afraid to be alone. This is when I decided to run a marathon.

As Emil Zatopek have quoted, "If you want to run, run a mile. If you want a different life, run a marathon". When TBRDream opened it's doors for aspiring marathoners, I signed up right away having this quote in mind. They gave us the training plan and I am depressed, I don't know if I can really finish it or not.

There were days where I am already stressed from work, whete it's already late at night, where I am hungry, where I am feeling the downs, where I am not in the mood but I am pushing on. Mind you, I am not religiously following the training program they gave us. But I am pushing on. I wanted to know at the end of this training, whether what it is like to finish running all 42kms.

At this point of the training, we were required to run more. And I guess, this is the hardest stage, but I have seen some progress. See below, that was taken from  my Nike + Running app. I am in a way, successful in pushing myself. 

This is hard. As I have mentioned there were those days that I am not fueled to run, I am not hopeful about my life. But I know little by little the training has given my soul some hope that someday, everything will be soo much better. And now that I am seeing myself in the mirror, I know there has been an improvement - a thinner me, more dynamic, more accepting, struggling to be stronger and better day by day.  

It's far better than before, and worthy for a Throwback Saturday. So guys, as of now, this is me (see below) at 60 kgs and training for a marathon. 

Credits to Eric de Guzman and John Mateos Ong for some of the photos. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Running with my Pure Cadence

I bought a pair of shoes last July hoping it will be my TBR marathon shoes, but it felt wrong when I ran. Then decided, I should do practice runs on it and get a new pair.

When I decided to get a new one, I thought of getting an expert's advice and have my gait analysis taken. So, as soon as I got my extra money, I went to Runnr at BGC high street and took my chance on getting my new shoes.

I've already set my eyes on getting a Brooks pair. I have been looking into the Pure project series and saw reviews that it is a good pair. So, after my gait analysis, it was seen that my arch is for Neutral but when I ran, they saw that I needed Stability shoes. 

This is entirely different from what I bought from Singapore, my fuschia pink Adidas. It is for Neutral runners. And it was as advised by our gym instructor. Not that he's wrong, I thought it is the right shoes too. He explained it to me right. When I used my Fuschias it is good on the feet and friendly on my knees. (remember that I've had knee injuries before and I would like to be more careful in my shoe choices)

So, I took this guy's advise and looked at the stability shoe choices. Of course, almost everything is expensive and it was sad spending money on it. But, I was willing to take my chance, this is a marathon after all, and I think I need to really spend in order for me to finish it well. Good thing, Brooks Pure Cadence was on the rack and took it for a spin on their treadmill. 

It feels snuggly and my toes, especially the left one, feels iffy. I might have problems running on it since it's fit is tight on the side. But when I checked, the socks are folded and when I ran again it felt a bit better. I guess it just needs, a little breaking in, in order for me to get used to it.

I bought the shoes and went home. I then thought of using my new shoes in my long run on the next day. I went to UP on a sunday afternoon then road tested Cyan. 

It felt different, I was running without my mp3 to make me feel it more. Since the shoes are for stability running, it felt it was promoting a different run. My legs felt heavy and every step of my feet felt like a big stomp. It feels like it's activating the pain on my ITB (Ilotilial Band). I walked a few times on my first 6kms.

On the 6th, I decided to get my mp3 player so that I can focus on running and drank my gatorade with the GU gel for energy. I was able to run properly, and i did not feel any pain from there on. I was able to focus on running straight, but my feet are still not used to it, and I am still not running I am supposed to with it. 

I was able to finish at around 13.2kms at 1hr and 49 mins. Not a bad run, I think. I was planning to run at an average of 8:00 mins/kms. I guess I just need to get used to it, or I will use Fuschia in my marathon.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Geez. 

PS: if I spelled Fuschia wrong, forgive me. Heehee

First look at my Pure Cadence

Fuschia Pinkie Adidas on its first run

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Running the Nike We Run Manila 2013 10k race

This is my first 10k of the year. Yes, you've read that right, I am running 10k again. I have not ran any short distance race lately, since my office friends asked if I can join, I gave in. 

Mind you, Nike We Run Manila is not one of the races I am looking forward to yearly. First, it only hosts 10k races and second, it has too many runners, makes running properly (meaning PR possible runs) impossible. This is based on past experience and feedback from friends who have ran the race. 

So with this, why join? Well, I am giving myself a chance to run another 10k again. And, knowing the freebies from Nike, I know it will be all worth it. With this, I joined my friends in registering the race. 

One thing that made me think twice though, the race will be held at Marikina City. Marikina, with its small and congested roads, all my running woes will probably come true. As one friend have mentioned, it was a cheap place to hold a race in. But, I thought, I am giving Marikina a chance, since I have been running on their Sports Plaza for months now, why not give it a try.

After registering and gathering the kits, I think I am good to go. Good thing, the race organizer already expected the number of participants in this race and sent a message to everyone to be early at the race venue. (This is as i said, the roads are small) Me and my office mates already set to meet at one of my office mate's house, where we leave our things there. 

As I commute, the fx (public transpo that I was in) from Commonwealth Market, did not go through the San Mateo route, maybe due to the expected traffic, it went around Katipunan Ave then Marcos Hi-way. My office mate directed me to go through another way to prevent the people and the traffic, which was effective, I was able to get to the destination on time. 

At the starting line, it was filled with people. What can you expect? It was expected to have 14,000 runners. I already started at wave 2. So I guess there were more people at the back when we started. 

Panorama version of how it looked like at my place at the starting line
It was people congested at the start, it was hard to run properly. I have to zigzag all the way from people who were walking. I like to shout at them to remind that "THIS IS A RUN RACE PEOPLE NOT A WALK IN THE PARK". This is the part that I did not like, I wish they were reminded to walk on the one side so we can all run on the other. As soon as the roads got wider, I was already exhausted. I felt the heat, and the lack of oxygen due to the volume of people also gasping for air during the run. I am disappointed with myself at this point but, when I looked at my performance, it was okay. I was at my good comfortably hard pace.

I liked the part where the people around were cheering and the kids were asking for high fives. It was something I can smile at during the race. I did not look for photographers at this point since it is impossible to look for yourself in a crowd of 14000 people.

I must say, the finish line on this race is my favorite so far. The whole sports plaza was lighted and the track felt like the red carpet. I did not make my photo finish finish, but I slowed down and clamored the moment. It was amazing. I ran there a couple of times, but I did not expect the whole stadium to be that beautiful. Amazing. 

The finish line chaos

Overall, the race was okay for me. The influx of people and roads and the racers themselves did disappoint but the people cheering, the finish line view and the freebies were enough to make me like this race. I guess I can look forward to this race next year. Good job Nike. :) 

Me and my friends before gunstart