Saturday, January 26, 2013

First Fun Run Whack

I remember the first time I joined a fun run.... and it was whack I tell you.

I joined the Yamaha Run for the heroes last July 2011 due to our office's enthusiasm in running. Yes, I was peer pressured! I did not really want to join the "bandwagon" but the doctor wanted me to already lose the weight (I think I was about 80kg at that time or less). So, to push myself, I signed up for a 5k run.

Yes, 5km was my first fun run. Me and my office mate Ame signed up for this category. I remember the excruciating pain of waking up on the wee hour of the day just to run and punish myself. Ha-ha, you read it right, I saw running before as a punishment to myself. I did not find any joy in running. I thought it was just a fad. And I hate fads. Seriously, as much as I can, I will stay away from fad.

Gunstart and everyone ran, me and Ame ran for a few meters. And I did not run anymore. Hahaha. Yes, I walked. I told Ame that we should just walk and let them run, she insists that we should run but I insisted that we shouldn't. We walked the whole course for about 57 mins.

Now looking back, I can only laugh at myself. I ran with my father before, but I walked when my mind tells me to give up. I never knew that I can beat that little voice inside my head and go further. I should never underestimate myself, no one will believe me better than myself.

It's good to look back, just to check how far I have gone, how passionate I have become and how I have changed because of these. If I were to sign for a 5k again now, I will run the whole of it with glee and of course, less than 57 mins. (average time is about 35mins ~ yuck still slow hehe but hey it's improving! ^_^)

me with my officemates - yeah the jeepney driver towel is uso guys!
fatty me and ame

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