Sunday, June 7, 2015

Run United 2: Afroman Distance

My first afroman distance or 32k long run. I registered for the Run united 2015 Exceed Full Marathon bundle earlier this year. Meaning, I will run all Run United races this 2015 with distances progressing from 21k, 32k then full marathon on its third race.

"I will run if I didn't back out" - should be the correct term earlier. When I registered, I am positive I can always run any 21km race (road flat races) but anything beyond that, errr.. not sure.

I have ran my first full mary last year but I have a specific training program for first timers that made me survive it. Running on my own training program (or with something I downloaded from the internet) is always a challenge.

Well, I booked this bundle because of this. This inconsistency, this swing of my unmotivated self to run/exercise is something that needs attention. I also have a goal of running the Tokyo Marathon so I really need to step it up. What I am afraid though is giving up or backing out.

I have a history of selling my old race kits due to nontraining. This time, I challenged myself to not to sell it. I haven't trained well for this run. I have one 22.5km run but that was 3 weeks before the event and I did not run long after. I even did not do maintenance runs and only crammed up on the week of the race (Stupid stupid stupid decision).

So lessons are learned the hard way on this race. I was able to run at 8km/hr pace up to 19kms. After that, everything was effed up from the waist down. I have my period, and this was the strongest day flow. It hurt a little so I did not run hard. I was thinking I should be able to still go to work by Monday so I should be careful.

I was able to run-walk up to the 26th but I conceded after the 28th. I was already thinking of my strategy when my aikidoka friend, Ruwen tapped me. Then we walked all the way to the finish.

My foot and calves hurt but I really wasn't that tired. It is obvious that my legs weren't strong for this race and I used my old shoes (I think its' cushion has already worn out). I already bought a new pair but they were heavy. My shins are hurt from using it. I forgot though that the old one also hurt (another stupid moment from me thank you very much).

Even with these angry-self-due-to-stupid-mistakes moment, I am happy to say that I finished. I did not finish on my target time but to look on the positive side, I saw this as an opportunity to train for another race. I registered for Milo Marathon - Manila elims next month. So this the start of it. I really have to train and buy a new pair of shoes.

I was pleased with RunRio races as usual, with enough hydration and bananas and also sponges during the race and nice loot bags after the race. Also, I always find it safe running when I sign up on his races. And this is the only race (in the Philippines, as far as I know) who hosts afroman distance. I am happy that I chose Run United for most of my races. (No kidding!)

I hope I can blog some of my fun runs this year and cheers to all Run United 2 finishers!

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