Sunday, November 11, 2012

Obstacle To Finish Line

I started running because of many factors. One, because OB doctor advised me to lower down the weight, then two, I needed to clear my head up with the things happening in my life.

I have this medical condition on my reproductive system called PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome where I have cysts on both ovaries and it has be removed because it causes my Uterus to thicken up its lining (lining is called endometrium) and upon dilation and cutterage procedure or "raspa" as we call it in tagalog, it was found that it was cancerous. So, there. I am prone to endometrial cancer and I have to listen to my doctor's orders in order for me to extend my life.

So, that's one condition I have been fighting on. I recently finished my latest APE or our Annual Physical Exam (because it is required by the company I am working with), and findings show that I have Sinus Bradyarrhythmia. Since I am all praning/crazy, I am linking everything that I am feeling now to this whatchamacallit.

Since we got the dog, he started waking me up in the wee hours of the day. (Say quarter to 5am) This is good actually because I need to catch the shuttle at about 7am. But, since I have activities after ofc (jogging and aikido), I have been sleep deprived. And then when the streak of sleep deprivation came about, the feeling of light headedness followed.

I checked the internet for signs that this arrhythmia is already at its worse when you start to feel light headedness and chest pains. This is scaring me since I really want to finish all of my three remaining races for the year.

To move forward, I would really have to have myself checked and to be diagnosed as early as possible so that I can still make it to the Milo marathon. I really hope I get better soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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