Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Wall

Copyrights to the owner of picture

I don't know what happened. This year, I just lost the will to run. I guess I am experiencing "The Wall".

I started this year with a goal - to run the 2016 Tokyo Marathon. The plan was jeopardized when a friend suggested that we go to New Zealand and visit our friends there. I was kind of looking forward to this and then kaput, all gone.

I started the year feeling hopeful, I registered for the Run United Marathon bundle - which means I get to run their three races leading to the Marathon race which is the last leg (starts at 21k on March, then 32k on June then 42k on Oct). Then register on August for Tokyo Marathon. I had them all scheduled out on Jan 2015.

But then, in the middle of these all. It felt like I was pushing myself too hard just to go out there and run. It wasn't as easy as before where I really make time for the run by crook or by hook. This year, I feel tired all the time and my sleep increased (and yeah did I mention, my face bloated too?).

I don't know why I lost the enthusiasm. This Dec, I ran one 4km on the first week, then another 6km on the fourth week - that never happened before.

My guesses are:

1. I wasn't losing weight anymore. I am gaining the weight I just lost and I wanted to stay and not go back to metformin.
2. Metro manila traffic have gone from bad to worst. Yes, I live approx 32kms away from my  work and I feel really really tired all the time.
3. I am not getting any faster. I want to be faster and yet, I don't see any improvements. I know my times can get better, I even joined the Milo Apex but alas. Nothing worked. I envy those people who don't have to do anything and yet they're super fast. Frustrating.

I am writing to get these all out. I am frustrated. Me thinks 2015 is such a bad running year for me, well I hope it ends there. I pray for enthusiasm again and hope that everything gets better from this point on.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Run United 2: Afroman Distance

My first afroman distance or 32k long run. I registered for the Run united 2015 Exceed Full Marathon bundle earlier this year. Meaning, I will run all Run United races this 2015 with distances progressing from 21k, 32k then full marathon on its third race.

"I will run if I didn't back out" - should be the correct term earlier. When I registered, I am positive I can always run any 21km race (road flat races) but anything beyond that, errr.. not sure.

I have ran my first full mary last year but I have a specific training program for first timers that made me survive it. Running on my own training program (or with something I downloaded from the internet) is always a challenge.

Well, I booked this bundle because of this. This inconsistency, this swing of my unmotivated self to run/exercise is something that needs attention. I also have a goal of running the Tokyo Marathon so I really need to step it up. What I am afraid though is giving up or backing out.

I have a history of selling my old race kits due to nontraining. This time, I challenged myself to not to sell it. I haven't trained well for this run. I have one 22.5km run but that was 3 weeks before the event and I did not run long after. I even did not do maintenance runs and only crammed up on the week of the race (Stupid stupid stupid decision).

So lessons are learned the hard way on this race. I was able to run at 8km/hr pace up to 19kms. After that, everything was effed up from the waist down. I have my period, and this was the strongest day flow. It hurt a little so I did not run hard. I was thinking I should be able to still go to work by Monday so I should be careful.

I was able to run-walk up to the 26th but I conceded after the 28th. I was already thinking of my strategy when my aikidoka friend, Ruwen tapped me. Then we walked all the way to the finish.

My foot and calves hurt but I really wasn't that tired. It is obvious that my legs weren't strong for this race and I used my old shoes (I think its' cushion has already worn out). I already bought a new pair but they were heavy. My shins are hurt from using it. I forgot though that the old one also hurt (another stupid moment from me thank you very much).

Even with these angry-self-due-to-stupid-mistakes moment, I am happy to say that I finished. I did not finish on my target time but to look on the positive side, I saw this as an opportunity to train for another race. I registered for Milo Marathon - Manila elims next month. So this the start of it. I really have to train and buy a new pair of shoes.

I was pleased with RunRio races as usual, with enough hydration and bananas and also sponges during the race and nice loot bags after the race. Also, I always find it safe running when I sign up on his races. And this is the only race (in the Philippines, as far as I know) who hosts afroman distance. I am happy that I chose Run United for most of my races. (No kidding!)

I hope I can blog some of my fun runs this year and cheers to all Run United 2 finishers!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Hungduan Rice Terraces Run

Hungduan Rice Terraces

I haven't seen the well known Banaue Rice Terraces. So when a friend suggested we go for the Rice Terraces run, I gave no second thoughts on joining. I said yes right away with a condition of running only the half marathon distance.

So, there were 5 of us (my running friends btw) who registered for the event but only three of us went through. We went for Shuttle's best service to take us to the area and off we went on the dawn of May 16.

This run is one of the most fun and practical run I have ever done. First off, it only costed us 1500php which includes dinner on the night before then breakfast then post run meal. And since we registered early, we also had free accommodations. How cool! We will only be paying for the transportation on our way there (which was more costly than the actual race haha but it's okay, I was after the "runcation").

Banaue finally!

We rode a van all our way to Ifugao, one of Mountain region provinces. I expected the trip to be topsy turvy starting Ifugao, but it came too early, Nueva Vizcaya had lots of road curves. I forgot that the Sierra madre mountains are also in that province and is part of our way to the Ifugao mountains (I am making an explanation because I am a geography freak haha). Anyhoo, I was seated at the driver's passenger side so amongst all passengers inside the van, I got the most sleep (very strategic of me heehee).

Stephen Felices giving us a briefing on how the race will go
Where we stayed, the Hungduan Municipal lodge. Descent and ascent from this area requires major effort (starting line is on the top of the mountain and this is 500m below - go figure)

When we arrived, most of the participants are already there. Some of them got the huts accommodation and we on the other hand got the municipal lodge (wherein I silently thank my friend, Ate Mj for registering us early and making us stay in the lodge accommodation which has toilet and electricity). The way to the lodge is already a challenge as it was situated below (as in you have to go a  downhill slope of about 70deg to get here - again, go figure). But it is okay for me, it is free, it has soft bunk beds with decent bathroom. I am already elated.

This is how I ran the "pilapils". I am afraid of heights and falling so please don't judge

We ate dinner then slept early then ate breakfast then piled to the starting line. As soon as we started, most of the people have already ran but I on the other hand is busy fixing my shoe lace (who chose to be entangled every 10seconds) and fixing my leggings (to prevent chafing - may I add that I hate the fact that my inner legs are in contact with each other.. errggg) on the first kilometer. I was able to settle after two kilometers and jogged all the way thru the Hapao Elementary school where the trail path is supposed to start.

The supposed trail path here is mostly composed of the "pilapils". I honestly don't know what its term in english but if described it is something in the middle of the rice field where people walk to pass. Funny that I wrote "walk" where participants are supposed to run this path. Well, to be honest, I walked when my foot first stepped on one of the pilapils. I got scared because I am afraid of falling, the other side of the rice fields is already a ditch going down.

Shadowfie because I am no longer alone

Upon running I built up a plan, to just walk the rice terraces area and just enjoy. I took pictures along the way and still tried to walk as fast as I can.

As soon as I returned to the road, I slightly ran until the 19th and walked purely on the 20th. The starting line is at the highest point of the area which sucks because we have to run all the way up to return.

With Mr. Stephen Felices at the finish line
Our van mate won first medal! Woohoo!

My goal is to finish before 4hrs. I actually was able to finish it at 3:54m Not bad for me! Woot woot!

I love this race. This is one of the unforgettable run I have ever done. I felt the communal spirit and the race organizer's love for the area. I loved the food btw. It was really something!

Van mates!

Happy to have met new friends along the way. It was fun knowing that my fellow vanmates also love to run outside of metro. I hope to have more runs this year and this is such a refreshing comeback for me. I thank God for this opportunity!

Congrats Team Malaya for a job well done in organizing this race and congratulations to all finishers of this race!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Doggie day

Odin and Doggie run 2015

Me and my dog, Odin registered to join this year's Pet express' Doggie Run. And I know this will be one of his favorite day ever - if he remembers.

My dog loves long walks, travelling (riding vehicles and the likes) and most of all, being with other dogs. When I registered, I imagined him to be super elated for this event.

On the day of the event, I planned to have him commute via ordinary bus then ride a taxi on our way home. We took off at 2am so that there will be less people in the bus. Odin was so behaved inside the bus, honestly, I did not find it hard to tame him. I was afraid that he'll be afraid of the travel (if you did not know, ordinary buses or non-aircon buses at dawn are dangerous for passengers, they normally run at killer speeds and will turn uncautiously), but he wasn't. He observed everyone inside the bus and had half of his body on my lap and half on the seat I paid him to sit on.

Starting line

We reached Mall of Asia earlier than the gun time. I had bags with me so I looked for baggage counter and disappointed that there was none. I was misinformed.

My mistake for this race was bringing a leash that was not too sturdy for the kind of dog that I have. My hand hurt from using it and it was almost destroyed during the run. My dog was eager to go to other dogs and it was hard controlling him using that leash.

When the race started everyone took off and then my dog also started running. I was shocked to see that he actually ran when he saw other dogs run. It seemed like this was his "thing". But I was not able to run all the way because of the stupid bags. Even with this situation, we were able to finish.

Me and doggie at the finish line! Woohoo dream come true for me and dog
Enjoying his first doggie pool experience
Anxious to meet this fella

I did not expect the dog to finish the race running. I saw that he was already tired but still when I urged him to run, he went on. I am proud when we both reached the finish line running. He finished 38th out of 206 dogs! This dog had the chance of going up the ranks if not for my stupid bag! Grrr..

Anyway, after the race we gathered the finisher's loot and then went around for a new leash (which, as of the moment, is already destroyed).

In totality, I am happy for my dog for joining this event. I am happy to have him experience these kinds of things even if it will cost me some bucks. Good thing that Pet Express have this fun run which is literally not half meant on this case.

Congratulations to all doggie and doggie parent who finished this race! Woof woof!