Sunday, March 31, 2013

Injury Week

This should be my glory week of more training but turns out I am not an injury free person. Well, you see I've got two injuries this week. One minor, one probably major but let's see what we can do with it.

Well, to tell you good news, I was able to run and swim. I ran earlier and swam yesterday. And yes, I was able to visit La Mesa Ecopark and the place was jampacked with people. To my disappointment, I was not able to lap well due to the number of people in the pool. But nevertheless, I enjoyed swimming. My good friend, Mavic, taught me how to do the freestyle. The day was supposed to get even better when my pinky finger was almost cut in half. This is the "minor" injury I was talkin about.

My hand after being cut :(

The good ol' lifeguard from the Pool area helped me since it was bleeding nonstop. We were supposed to go for 500 m but since this happened, well we have to stop and prolly continue next week. (Hopefully, there are less people by that time)

There's my minor injury, my other injury is hopefully not a major one but it really needs to be treated. This started last RU1, thanks to my new shoelaces, where the left side of my knee hurts when I run. I thought this was the dreaded runner's knee but the symptoms lead me to believe that I have ITB Syndrome or the Ilotibial Band Syndrome.

Anatomy of ITB credits to the owner of this illustration

I would like to see the doctor to see if I am correct. But for the mean time, I have researched some probable remedies for this.

1. No icing and stretching - it is said that the Iliotibial band hurts due to muscular imbalance of the glutes, hamstrings, etc., improper footwear, anaerobic exercises, even stress and doing these things only makes this worse as it does not heal the muscle. What we want is to heal it by making sure the muscles are intact. (You may wanna check out the Sock Doc's site for more info -

2. Given that, I think I may have to rest. (And I am writing this with a sigh), I will still run though, but I will have to decrease intensity and probably the mileage. I know there will be times where I can't help myself but run (yes, like earlier, but my knee got really really hurt after I will still run tomorrow though - 100km per week goal - yes, I am a hard-headed stubborn gal)

3. I've read that increasing glute and core strength may help in decreasing the friction in the band, so I am thinking of doing regular Strength and Core exercises. My Core is badly weak, I am thinking that it may have a large contribution to this. I already started earlier so, I hope I can continue.

I don't want to stop running. This injury will not stop me, I love running, I get cranky if I don't do it in a week. I hope I get well soon. Cross fingers!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

La Mesa Holy Week Plan

Holy week is one of my favorite holidays of the year. This is because it (and NO OTHER REASONS mind you) allows me to have 4 days off from work, usually I would just sleep and watch tv all day but this time I have set my eyes on going to La Mesa Eco Park.

Why La Mesa? Since I swam last week at F1 hotel where we stayed for almost a week, I tried swimming the pool on the last day for about 45mins. It was satisfying! I love swimming, of course I love running too but doing swimming for my regular workout would do me soooo good. And since La Mesa Eco park is soo near, and I called earlier and the lady said they were open from tomorrow to Sunday what more could I ask for? Gooodie right???

In addition to my plans to speed up or at least make me a stronger runner, I would love to have this one added as one of my cross training exercise (yes, along with my regular Aikido session). I am already envisioning my weekends and I am excited really. (Yes, obviously)

This coming holy week, I'll try to squeeze in two runs and swim in this area. Since, I am still recovering from a knee injury I will do an easy run then this. Since it's about 5 kms from home, maybe I can run to and from the area.

I hope I will be able to find time to do this on the four days of holiday. I know I'll find time. Wish me luck.

BTW, below are the pictures that will maybe excite you to go there as well. :)

lap pool of La Mesa Eco Park (picture courtesy of

La Mesa Eco Park Trails - (photo courtesy of

Killer Stairs! seriously, I've been there. Will try this when I get there (courtesy of

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Eyes on

Recently saw Ms Bullrunner's Blog regarding the newly made site. I have to admit it isss sooo COOL! I love it.

Even if I am at work (I am currently pissed with the things that is happening around here and this just made me smile), I immediately logged every run that I have been and will be running in the coming days. I admit, I am addicted to these things.

I love it's simple design AND it has no ads on it. I love it, you will be more focused on the details about your runs and you can also find running skeds here. How really really cool! I am so elated now. I wish at home so that I can explore this. BTW, according to Ms Bullrunner, it also has an iPhone app so I'll try to navigate around it as well. site - with the run list page

With my Run Log book

I really haven't navigated it around. But, I will be tinkering around it this coming holidays. I'm shooo excited :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Frustrated. Frustrations. Focus. Plan.

It is obvious that I get frustrated when I run slower than my average. Actually, I just realized now that I am frustrated because there are people who are just blessed with the speed, and I hate this pity feeling that I have with myself when I've known the training they have done.

Who are these people? Genetically blessed people who don't run that often and still get faster speeds than me. I know I should remember not to compare but I personally love this sport, why do they go faster? And i run as often and my speed just wouldn't budge a bit higher than my average.

It is frustrating seriously, I am reaching a plateau where I can run and then not feel. the difference anymore. I recently bought two new books to feed this frustration.

Usually, if it is this long, I'd give up already. Given my schedule, my family, my social life and everything, I really could just drop this thing off. It's not working.

Well, there's still this little voice saying "no, don't give up". A friend told me, don't mind them, and this book I am reading is saying the same. I wanted to cry because of this frustration and I feel like I am doing what I can but it's never enough and I hate that feeling. It's enough to just make me quit.

I am currently writing this, because I don't want to quit. Seriously. But I wanted to improve so baaaad, but I don't know if I am doing it right. I am losing motivation to attain it.

Anyway, I will try to put these negative feelings aside and lay out plans to make me improve. What are these things?

1. Follow a training plan - So, I bought two books, and the first one had a feasible training plan for 16weeks (I think) and I'll try to do it religiously, again, try. I did it for the first week and I felt different, I just can't do the tempo run but I will still try and try and try until I get it right.

2. Lose weight - I admit, I've gained weight, (about 64kgs again) so, I have to return to 60 kg in order for me to run faster with less impact on my thighs and feet.

3. Increase my core strength - Yes, I have been telling this a couple of times but I could only do these core exercises on weekends. It seems, it doesn't work. So, I'll try to squeeze in some of these during weekdays.

4. Run by myself - or if it is with someone. He/she should be willing to help. This is to not compare myself with others, I repeat, I am frustrated with myself because of these "blessed" people. I have to accept everything but still train hard in order for me to gain the glory of having to beat my fuckin PR.

5. Swim or Bike - I love doing these two better than running I tell ya. I just couldn't find a place and a bike to do this. I swam earlier and I loved it. As I was reading these books, they are recommending both sports for cross training. I love running mind you, and I wanted it to work by doing other things that I love to make running work better for me.

I want to run for the love of it not because of competition. I just couldn't help it sometimes, but I have to always remind myself why I am running. I just hate seeing their faces when they learn my time, and they know how often I run and yet, it just doesn't show on the day of the race. I hate it seriously. That is why I thought of item number 4.

But you know, you can't prevent them from running these races, they will always be there. I want to just get past this and focus. This frustration usually feeds the little motivation I have left and train some more. I also thought by principle, if the same things happen (my running time), it means I am not doing anything new and we have to make some differences in what we do in order for me to improve.

I feel a bit better now. I guess being at peace with yourself by writing does wonders to one's sanity. I hope I really really get better in terms of performance, and I hope I stay focused in making that possible.

Good night.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Running Run United 1

Earlier I ran the first Run United series for the year 2013, Start and Finish line was at the Mall of Asia Seaside blvd. And again, I was disappointed but it was an okay kind of disappointment. It drives me to improve more.

Why I got disappointed? Well, of course, I did not make my PR and it was way past my average time. All because I did not test the shoe laces I was going to use for the race. It made my feet, shin and knee hurt while running. After wearing it in the morning, I knew it was going to be burdensome, it was very tight and I did not find time to rearrange and loosen the shoe laces.

As we started, I tried starting up slow but I plan to eventually gain my pace on the fifth km. Unfortunately, my bigger right foot is already screaming with pain. It affects my shins and I could not run properly. So I stopped and tried to loosen the laces, but it did not help. It's still tight. So I moved on but I remained on my more or less than 8mins/km pace. Just to keep everything safe.

I felt strong after the 17th km. The race didn't feel a drag. I was already thinking of marathons and imagining if this were it, I think I can finish it. But, as I was approaching the 18th, I felt every bad thing I was not hoping for on a run. My stomach feels funny and hungry, my knees, foot and shins are aching. So, I have to slow down some more.

Because if this, I ended up more than my average run. One of the slowest. I know I can finish it better and faster but I think this lesson will drive me to be better on he next race. I have to target a PR on the next one.

Anyway, as expected RunRio did a good job in organizing the race. There were too many runners though and there were congested areas where I can already smell smoke from the vehicles. But all-in-all, given everything the race has - sufficient hydration, good 21k route (this route does not have an uphill or downhill - this is certainly a race to remember. Most of the people I knew made their PR), good finisher's area, etc, so I guess I would do it again. Me and my friends are all thinking of the afroman distance (32k) on the next Run United, I'm like errrr... will I survive it? Let's see.

Let the training begin again. heehee..

Me and friends after the run

Shoe Laces and other things

So, I have told you about my problem with my shoe laces how it magically unties itself a couple of times during my runs. Thanks to my dog, Odin, I hope this problem is halfway solved.

Well - and I am saying this to you with a big sigh - I came home one day and saw one shoe on the floor with its shoelaces partially destroyed. It is a big wonder to me why he only destroys strings, my bra string, bag string, paper bag string, etc. I have been aware of this and took away every thing that is destroyable away from him, at least.

Since I have an upcoming race this Sunday for the Run United 1 race, I decided to get a new pair of shoelaces. I went to the mall and there's one shoe lace that caught my eye. Coincidentally, it has the same color as my old shoelace (Mind you, my shoelaces are hot pink as in HOT AND SCREAMING pink). These are short laces that doesn't need any tying (thank God because I think I suck at that). They are a bit expensive 800php, but are on sale so I got it at around 500php (that's around 12USD). Yes, still expensive but I am hoping I get to use it for a long time.

I haven't taken my shoes for a test run since I have put it in yesterday. But I am hoping it does wonders. I'll let you know on my next blog. :)

My new laces, it has the same color no? 
And you look so innocent and cute now Odin huh? 
I have been too "magastos" (extravagant/spending too many moolahs) no? i realized that I have been into shopping frenzy lately. Over the past two weeks, I have bought myself two running books, two sports bra, one running shirt and this. I am also considering registering on my April and May race (yes, unfortunately I haven't have any April race yet but I have found it, and I am already excited to register hopefully by tomorrow).

Oh well, I want to take my running to the next level and I am hoping these things (especially the shoelaces) could help me in running efficiently and motivate me to be a better runner.

New Books! Yay excited!
Yes, it is! Thanks to Kikay Runner for the discount! :)