Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Walkathon at Nat Geo Earth Day Run 2013

The doctor said I have ITBS and knee sprain, the verdict was to rest for two weeks then try running for about 30mins if it does not hurt, keep running (or something like that.. hehe.. ) if it hurts, try the 10min run and 5min walk. I learned the run exercise a day before the Nat Geo Earth Day Run 2013.

Yes, it wasn't a go sign from the doctor to run this race. I ran because I am losing this fight with my knee injury and I don't wanna baby it anymore.

my legs before going home to our province. It was all tapered up
As usual, I came early for this race. One of the not-so-okay was the long line for the baggage counter, I almost wished I didn't bring any bag. It was for our good though, since there were bomb sniffing dogs to check whether we are carrying explosives or not. This got me scared, one dog smelled my bag for too long, he even tried getting his nose inside. Erggg.. There were no bombs, and no food either, just my change of clothes.

So, I came to the starting line feeling scared because I might not run the same way again. I ran at a pace of almost 7 mins per km on the first three kms then 8 mins per km up to the 8th km. Then, it was the Buendia overpass so I slowed down then maintained 8 up to the 12th. After drinking my hydration on the 12th, my knee injury was starting to make it's presence known. I tried doing the Chi Running but I think I still lack the know how on successfully executing it. That was when I started walking.

Can't run, so we go walk walk walk walk
I thought I was going to walk for a while then run again but the knee pain was still there when I tried. Add also the fact that my momentum was already destroyed, I resigned to the fact that I could not run again. The sun was already out and it was really hot. I wanted to go to the finish line already. My motivation was to just finish the race and get the finisher's shirt, so I went on.

I was able to finish the race after 3hrs and 18 mins, my slowest ever. I did not even bother checking it, until now. It was a lame time. It's one of those things I did not dream of having, my target before was not to have a 3hr run on my belt but here it is. Oh well, it's either this will be the start of all my lame races or the momentum for the best times to come. Let's see. 

My run analysis from Strider.ph

Obviously, it was sad that I have to walk. It was defeat on my point of view, but I thought, if I keep running I might not run my first marathon, my first triathlon, and Run United 2. I will let defeat win this time, I really have to get better. 

I am still on therapy and I will be practicing how to do the Chi Running to lessen whatever injury I may be having. I hope I can fully run on the Run United 2 Event, if not there, I will be setting my PR on the Milo Manila Eliminations. 

As for the race, the organizer, Event king did a so-so performance, they gave the runners a killer challenging route, hydration was sufficient, but I did not see any energy drinks though. I love the singlet and the finisher's shirt.I hate the organization on the baggage counter though, I think it could be improved. 

I think I am lacking enthusiasm. I wish I can win it back. Oh well.  

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Running at Subic

We recently held our annual Team building for our teeny weeny team of 15 (good job and kudos to Dennis Imperial, by far this is the best and the most fun we've had for the last 5 years) and since it is days before the Nat Geo run, one of our colleagues suggested that we run at the place where the Team Building will be held.

This year, it was decided to be held at Kamana Sanctuary at Subic, Zambales. I did not know of this place until I looked at the map. Me and my father first went here without the resort, this was a public beach called the Nabasan Beach and now owners of Kamana already bought the whole area. It was good that my colleague, Mike chose this place because it was secluded and it had a pool (I am doing this weekly swimming thingy so this is an advantage).

Kamana Beach Front, with Jelly Fish signs
The resort, enticing much no? 

As I drove the hilux to our destination, the road and the view gave me the inspiration to run the next day. It was nature, and the roads were made of asphalt. I am definitely excited! Scenic landscapes really get me going on running.

When we arrived, we swam and did volleyball and then the next day, as agreed, I woke up early, to brave the road from Nabasan beach to the highway. Good thing, two of my colleagues kept their word and ran with me. They paced me and I was the gps girl, we planned to run 10k that day. I am the key that will
lead them to the 5th km mark. (Haha reason not to leave me! hahaha)

At 545am we rolled, I was able to keep up with them on the first km, but as soon as I heard my breathing (which was from my understanding gasping already for air, panicky, out of rhythm) I wore my headset to focus more. I tried not to talk but these are my colleagues and they don't have any headset on them so I tried keeping up.
What I call pahirap path, everything is uphill up to the 

Before the fourth km, I walked, this is because I can feel my knee sprain/pain/injury already. It was uphill, super, uphill and I couldn't keep up so I let the other two run at it. I walked at their backs. As soon as we reach the intersection, we all decided to go south. Then we ran altogether with me at the middle. The final 2km stretch was the killer, it was a 70 degree uphill(I think), I could no longer keep up. I let them go and run it, and then I walked for a couple of mins. As soon as the downhill was at sight, I ran to keep up with them.

After the 5th km mark, which was near Morong gate already, I was able to keep up with them until the end. Good thing, my knees were slight undamaged but my right shin and calf had this irritating pain that kept me soothing it the whole day so that I can run the next day.
My Subic Running buddies, and I thought I was not going to make it with them haha

The next day, I ran alone, I tried running the path we all did the other day, but, there was a monkey who blocked my way. I am afraid it might bite or do something with me, so, I did not push thru. I just ran at the nearby empty lot area, which was about 600m in length, not bad so I ran. Bad thing though, my knee injury is starting to make its presence known during the whole run. So I only ran 5kms that day then made up by swimming.

The little dot at the middle was the monkey, I wanna come closer but it may do harm and we don't want any harm don't we?
My alternative running area - the open field, I just ran around

After this experience, I remembered I liked running on different places. I think being on foot on certain places makes you explore the place more and it is the same here. And it is the first time I ran with buddies who actually ran with me. I really liked this experience. Every once and a while it is good to have some buddies to run in a beautiful place. 

All-in-all the team building was a big break for our group and for myself too. I get to realize some things about my colleagues that made me appreciate them more. Sometimes, it is necessary for some people to have breaks in their life to check what's missing and what needs to be done in order for us to fill in whatever gap that exists. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

First Long Run

All of my runner friends are already doing it by that time, I was hesitant. I don't want to push it. So last year, 2011, after my normal 45minute run, I decided, I'll run an hour the next day. The next day, I was able to do it. And this became my favorite memory.

When I returned back this year, even with an injury. I still decided to run. I could not miss these scenery for this injury. I love running in the morning, the smell of the sea, kopras, nature etc. I love it. I took some pictures while on the way, and I hope you fall in love with it too.

Basak means rice fields, one of the first barangays out of the poblacion is Basak, you'll see lots of this when you get there.

My 5th km U turn view, at Sua, San Juan, So. Leyte

Shadow, I know, the sun is already high!

at the end of the run, you get to eat this yummy Bam-i

Friday, April 19, 2013

Rekindling First Love

I remember when we were young, my parents bought a bike with sidecar for us. Our househelp would usually take us to and from the school via sidecar. I still remember that it was colored blue and the seat was quite long and after some years we removed the sidecar.

We were already at this village when the sidecar was removed. That was when I instinctively hopped and studied how to bike myself, which I successfully did. I think before my 6th or 7th birthday I already know how to ride the bike.

Of course, that bike got defunct and my uncle, who lived with us at that time, bought one for himself and I would usually use it to go around the village/area. I enjoyed biking, I wasn't an ordinary biker, my aunt scolded me for being fast at the wrong places. Eversince my uncle/s (because almost every uncle that lived with us bought his own bike) took their equipment back to their hometow, obviously, I stopped. My parents weren't keen on buying bikes since my siblings were always out of the house and it may contribute to the time consumed of them being more out of the house than in it. (Err.. I think you're getting what I am saying, I'll just assume you do..:D)

I think, since I've been doing it for a long time, your muscle remembers how strong it should be when I get to any bike. So, on my yearly vacay to our province, I tried biking. Just to check whether I still have it and if I can really do it.

Last year, I also did biking but it wasn't this serious. I just did it to go places to take pictures, but I think I've covered 8kms a day on it. This is without any body sore or pain or whatever on the next day. (Probably contributing factor was that I am also running every morning so, I think it somehow strengthen my body). So, to make my point, I challenged myself to go the distance on a bike.

And yes, I did the challenge. On Tuesday afternoon, I was already bored with my book, and I was a bit irritated so I went out and checked whether I could give biking a try. I asked my aunt if I can borrow her bike, she agreed then I took off I went to the next town, Anahawan.

Or should I say, it should be Anahawan, because when I reached San Juan's last town, it was already dark (Stupid stimpy me started at 530pm, yeah last minute decision I tell you!). So, I did not push it and returned back. All-in-all this ride covered distance of about 14kms.

Brgy Bobon marker, it is 7kms away from San Juan(SJ) and 1077kms away from Manila

After this ride, I realized I can bike longer. This is because I did not feel any body sore or pain. Annd! I already biked all the way to Bobon with slight maximum effort (yes, this is because I prefer biking like a madwoman, pushing the pedal to the limit. Now you know, where those logs errrr legs
are coming from :D). After assessing and realized how I felt, I challenged myself to go a bit further the next day. Sadly though, I was not able to go the next day because the bike was still in use by my aunt, and went home in the evening so, I did it on the next day. Just to make sure dthe sun is still up when I get back, I did it in the morning.

I started at around 6am, then while biking I decided to cover twice the distance I've covered last time. I know it was crazy to decide to ride 30kms in a leisure bike, at a unknown town and alone. But, I took the risk.

Took a picture of the Bike using the rule of thirds (Lol :D)

So I went on, making my kilometer markers as my guide as to how far I am and I am also using my new found app for biking named Strava. (Coool app! I used it for two days and it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!) I used the app to track how fast I am going and how many estimated calories I have lost.

view of the strava app.. i reaaly find itcool, just like the Nike+Running app
Back to biking, my plan was to make it to Anahawan then return back, ensure that I have covered 15kms before I return. It was dandy fine when I was biking on my way to the 15th. I stopped on some places because I was taking pictures along the way.

When I reached the first barangay of Anahawan, I got scared. It was an unfamiliar territory. I think I went there before with my aunt(I have so many aunts mind you) because the town contained the nearest district hospital. Seeing the coconut trees, the empty road the sign that says "Welcome to Anahawan", everything is just too new. But I should not let it stop me, so, I went on.

First sight of Anahawan from our town, this is the Guinakot Bridge
The Town of Anahawan is about 12kms (accdg to the kilometer marks) from San Juan, so I need to cover at least 3kms more to reach my goal. This goal had reached me to Brgy Mahalo, Anahawan. Upon reaching my 15th km, I stopped, took pictures again and turned back. As I looked at the road back to San Juan, I thought, "How am I supposed to return back?".
Anahawan Town Proper and it is an accident prone area with its sharp curves, better be careful

Mahalo Bridge

Road of no return
Seriously, I did not have any idea whether I can return safely. I am already 15kms away from comfort, it is scary. But, of course, I put myself into this, there will be no turning back. So I prayed that I can return safely and then went on.

Good thing the sun was already at my back. I don't know how to wear shades and I did not bother bringing one, I just let my eyes be fried with the sun's rays on my way to Anahawan. So having the sun on my back was a good thing, at least I did not have to worry about the sun. What I was most worried about was my hydration. When I went back, I tried to overtake one guy who was riding leisurely and in front of me. I eventually did but he gained speed. That got me pissed! So on my next km I tried overtaking the guy but then I realized the heat was already overtaking me, I need a drink.

Stupid stupid mistake that I've made was that I let myself go that far without water/drinks. I was already at a barangay where there were less people and I just kept looking on the next sari-sari store. Bad thing was the only store I saw did not have anything my stomach would want to have, it only has Sting.

What the hell is Sting? It's an energy drink from Coca-cola Phils, I guess that's supposed to act lile Gatorade. Due to desperation, I bought one and drank it. It tasted like cough syrup. Ergg.. The taste of no choice drink was more distasteful than any other drink. I drank some more, did not finish it, I'll hate the aftertaste, put the plastic with the drink in the trash can and went on.

Little did I know that I shouldn't be buying anything outside town, this is because of some urban legends that people will put poison on your drink/food. Good thing the barangay I bought my drinks to was not one of the barangay in the urban legend so my tummy is happy safe.

To summarize, I was able to return safely, I was in awe when I returned. I covered 30kms of biking and it did not gave me a single sweat (Admittedly, this is true with the exception of having sweat of fear and uncertainty). Even though it was scary, I love the feeling after! I think I can do and cover longer distances. I feel my body is made for this. But of course, first, I have to buy myself a bike. I hope I can do this by May 2013.

Can't you just tell how I am excited while writing this long entry? ^_^ I am planning to bike from here to UP and back when I get that baby with me.

Again, excitttedd! Forgive me. :)

Officially Biker Chick with big logs err legs. :D

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dragging errr.. Walking the dog

If you have read my last entry, you may have known about my knee injury. I already had it checked and the doctor told me that it was a knee sprain (or strain or whatever, I wasn't keen on listening but it was something like that). And, it also has the possibility of ITBS, so she told me to have 2 weeks of rest then undergo 6 sessions of therapy.

When I heard that I had to rest, I was a bit sad. I have another race to run in about three weeks and I needed to prepare but, I know I can't run with my faulty knee so I have to follow. Usually, I look forward to Sat runs but since it's not allowed for me to do that, I decided to walk the dog.

When I decided to do this earlier, I thought it could at least help me in maintaining my fitness and a bit of my endurance. Walking MY dog is never easy since he is big and he is too excited to go places. I woke up to an empty doggie food bin earlier, and then decided to walk from our home to the vet's clinic (which is around saay 1.5kms).

Also I took this decision because I woke up to a very hyper dog. Yes, he is very energetic. He really needs to have his walks or runs every single day. Or else he'll destroy the whole house without you noticing. So, I told the dog that we'll walk and then his tail started wagging and then off we went.

Our first kilometer was a struggle, he isn't used to the route so we kept dragging each other. He always looks around and I scold him when he drags me too much. I tried calming him down by letting him sit and then, let him observe the surrounding. Of course, this didn't calm him a bit. But when we reached the vet and bought what I needed and then went back, he started giving in.

He started not dragging his leash, at least for a while. That little moment was so precious to me at that time because I was already carrying 3 kgs of dog food and I will not be able to keep up if he keeps dragging.

I ate toasted siopao along the way and then went straight home. That was almost 3 kms of doggie walk and doggie dragging.

As what I have observed, most of the people are still judgmental when it comes to dogs. My dog, Odin is a boxer and he has this mean look, almost pitbull-like, in his face, but once you get to know him, he's the most friendly dog. I am not afraid to walk him because if ever one dog comes near he always knew what to do. He's calmer than me.

I love that I did this even though it left my arms sore (exercise, I know! :-)) and now I can have this as a new weekend activity that I can add to my list. This could be a good bonding time for me and my dog and maybe in the future, when we already have perfected these walks, I could also train him to join me in one of my races. Who knows? :)

He's already tired here I made him sit so that I can take this photo. :)
Taken in one of the streets inside our village

Too cute not to post, he wants to stop me from taking pictures and walk straight home. :D