Saturday, March 16, 2013

Running Run United 1

Earlier I ran the first Run United series for the year 2013, Start and Finish line was at the Mall of Asia Seaside blvd. And again, I was disappointed but it was an okay kind of disappointment. It drives me to improve more.

Why I got disappointed? Well, of course, I did not make my PR and it was way past my average time. All because I did not test the shoe laces I was going to use for the race. It made my feet, shin and knee hurt while running. After wearing it in the morning, I knew it was going to be burdensome, it was very tight and I did not find time to rearrange and loosen the shoe laces.

As we started, I tried starting up slow but I plan to eventually gain my pace on the fifth km. Unfortunately, my bigger right foot is already screaming with pain. It affects my shins and I could not run properly. So I stopped and tried to loosen the laces, but it did not help. It's still tight. So I moved on but I remained on my more or less than 8mins/km pace. Just to keep everything safe.

I felt strong after the 17th km. The race didn't feel a drag. I was already thinking of marathons and imagining if this were it, I think I can finish it. But, as I was approaching the 18th, I felt every bad thing I was not hoping for on a run. My stomach feels funny and hungry, my knees, foot and shins are aching. So, I have to slow down some more.

Because if this, I ended up more than my average run. One of the slowest. I know I can finish it better and faster but I think this lesson will drive me to be better on he next race. I have to target a PR on the next one.

Anyway, as expected RunRio did a good job in organizing the race. There were too many runners though and there were congested areas where I can already smell smoke from the vehicles. But all-in-all, given everything the race has - sufficient hydration, good 21k route (this route does not have an uphill or downhill - this is certainly a race to remember. Most of the people I knew made their PR), good finisher's area, etc, so I guess I would do it again. Me and my friends are all thinking of the afroman distance (32k) on the next Run United, I'm like errrr... will I survive it? Let's see.

Let the training begin again. heehee..

Me and friends after the run

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